There can be no doubt that the people of the Channel Islands earlv settled along the south coast of Newfoundland, the family names of these people occurring frequently from St. John’s to Cape Ray. Messervy, Clement, Payn, Tessier, Le Messurier, Grandy (Grandin), Lesbirel, Dumaresque, Le Feuvre, Hulon (Huelin), Ayre (Ahier), St. Croix, Cabot, De la Cour, Le Grand, Renouf, Bedteau, Du Tot, Le Marquand, Le Drew, Bonnell, Knights, Hue, Lambert, Sacrey, Bisson, Beaucamp, Chevalier, Vautier, Le Moine, Le Fresne, Corbin, Le Roux, Carey, Le Scelleur, Sorsoliel, Frewing, Angot, Pinel, Ereant, La Fosse, Le Quesne, Falle, Le Riche, Vaudin, La Risignol,, La Blane, Tupper, Havilland (Du Havilland), Fashon (Fashion), Dobree, Thomey (Thoume), Ozanne, Tibbo (Thibault), and Siviour are among the names peculiar to Guernsey and Jersey which designate many of the inhabitants in the settlements of Placentia, Fortune, and Hermitage Bay and along the coast to Cape Ray. Source for above: The Early Relations between Newfoundland and the Channel Islands by H.W. Le Messurier, 1916.

Channel Islanders may have also played a part in linking Placentia and Acadia. In the 18th century there were also a large number of settlers from the Channel Islands, at Placentia from which , Jerseyside, a prominent section of the town, derives its name (Wiki). In a study of the “Anglo-Normans” [Channel Islanders] the author, Frenette, states that: from their base in Newfoundland, the Anglo-Normans moved quickly into the Gulf of St. Lawrence following Canada’s final cession to the English in 1763, taking advantage of their knowledge of French to form alliances with the Acadians.
Noule, Noüel, Nouël
Another option for a French version of my family name (Newell, Noel) is Noule, Noüel, Nouël. In Europe (2014) data) this name is most common in France 486 individuals , Spain 15, Netherlands 13, Belgium 11 and England 4 (https://forebears.io/surnames/nouel).
In France it is most common in Pays-de-la-Loire region (see Map below).

Some early references to this name in France include:
- Nouel (de) (Noüel), extraction 1535, protestation de la noblesse de Bretagne de janvier 1789LM 81, Bretagne, ANF-2010146.
- Nouël de Buzonnières, – de Tourville de Buzonnière, trésorier d’Orléans 1735, OrléanaisJougla 50 [Oeleans Loiret]
(Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_des_familles_subsistantes_de_la_noblesse_fran)
This name also has connections to Quebec in the 1600s.
LISTE DES ENGAGÉS POUR LE CANADA 10 avril 1644— Jean NOUEL, laboureur, de La Rochelle
Historically this name is also found in the Channel Islands where it is sometimes used interchangeable with Noel. See Nicolas Nouel (b c 1640) who was married on 7 September 1676 at St. Martin, Jersey, Channel Islands.
Nicholas Noel Jersey (poss St Andrews Guernsey) and Collas Nouel
Collas [Nicholas] Nouel / Noel
Re Collas The Christian name was a pet name for Nicolas and developed as a surname. The name is found more in Guernsey than Jersey.
The Web Site https://www.theislandwiki.org gives the following information on individuals named Nicholas Nouel / Noel / Noe during this period:
- Nicholas Nouel was born in St Martin about 1569 and married Catherine Mallet, daughter of Philippe and Frances Baudains. Nicholas died in 1625. He and Catherine had a son Noel (1595-1645) and daughters Thomasse (1600- ) and Catherine (1603- ).
- Noe married Pauline Guerdain on 20 December 1626. They had five sons, Nicholas (1630-1638), Nicholas (1640- ), Aaron (1638-1638), Denis (1633-1692) and Aaron (1644-1686) and a daughter Marthe (1628- ).
31st January 1593. Guarantor. Collas Le Mesurier son of Jean in right of his wife daughter of Jean Le Tellier, Collas Nouel [Noel], St Saviour’s Church, Pierre de Jersey treasurer. Same day. Against James Rougier in favour of Collas Nouel. https://www.priaulxlibrary.co.uk/articles/article/chefs-plaids-jugements-ordonnances-c-16-19th-centuries
Jul 1597 Madelaine (Wife Of Callas Nouel) St Martin, Jersey burials
A Collas (AKA Nicholas) Nouel was born in 1586 in Angers, France.
COLLAS Nouel | Naissance | 06-02-1586 | Angers [49 - Maine-et-Loire] France | détail |
Prénoms du père: Jehan, Nom de la mère: Suzanne BRILLET
However, Channel Island researchers state that a Nicholas Nouel was born at St. Martin, Jersey in 1569.
1627 On the remonstrance presented by the writer by Jean Nouel de St Sauveur, who had sent Collas [AKA Nicholas see note below] Nouel his son to the University of Cambridge to study there, and that on account of the weakness of his means he could not support him in his studies as he would be required. Note: Re Collas a pet name for Nicolas is found more in Guernsey than Jersey.

1640 Nicolas Nouel Marriage: 7 September 1676 St. Martin, Jersey, Channel Islands

1644 Nicholas Noel Burial of wife Marie Germain Channel Islands

A Nicolas Nouel [Noel or poss Newell?] who was married on 7 September, 1676 at St. Martin, Jersey, Channel Islands may have been the father of Sara Noel who was christened in December 1676, in St. Martin, Bailiwick of Jersey, her father, Nicolas Nouel, was 37 and her mother, Lorance Renouf, was 25.

1685 Reported Birth Nicholas Noel Jersey
Nicholas Noel (1684- ) m (1710, Gr) Esther Renouf (See Tree here)
Son Noe Noel (1719- ) m (1737, St Mt) Anne Renouf
INSERT LINKS to Nicholas nowell NL from Lyme file
Le Roy Guernsey
Pierre Le Roy dit Bouillon, St. Pierre du bois et Torteval.—
There were two periods which saw the most significant numbers of refugees leaving the country [France]. The first wave was following the Massacre of St Bartholomew in 1572, and the second was following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Some refugee families stayed in the islands, but many used it as a temporary refuge, before emigrating further afield (such as the New World), or as a safe haven until religious tolerance in France improved. In the first wave Pierre Le Roy, minister of St Pierre du Bois. The parish of St Pierre du Bois, or St Peter’s-in-the-Wood, is situated on the south west part of Guernsey; it is bounded on the north by St Saviours, on the south-west by Torteval, on the east by the Forest,.
A translation of an inquest conducted over several months in 1593 by the Colloque, or Assembly, of Bailiwick Churches. The Puritan ministers and elders had here to deal with a dreadful scandal. This piece had a genuine villain: Pierre Le Roy, known as du Bouillon, a church minister who had escaped the massacres of 1572. Formerly minister of the parish of Baron, in Calvados, he was now a refugee, in charge of the parishes of St Pierre-du-Bois and Torteval. The inquiry is full of the detail of the life of ordinary Guernsey people, who gave evidence to the assembly. Michelle Palot, a maidservant to Madame du Bouillon, the minister’s wife, was the subject of continued harassment by du Bouillon. Having a baby out of wedlock was highly frowned upon, the mother usually having to do public penance and the father, once ascertained, jailed for a couple of weeks, and forced to marry the mother or at least support the child; but when Michelle was questioned by the authorities as to who had fathered her baby, she gave them a most unexpected answer.
Pierre Le Roy, dit Bouillon, was one of a select group of Protestant ministers who escaped the St Bartholomew’s Day massacres (Shickler, LesEglises &c, who lists him as minister of Baron, in Calvados). He is attested as pastor in the diocese of Caen between 1565 and 1570. The Le Roy-Bouillon family are then represented in the Registers of the Walloon Church at Southampton, which opened in 1567. They first appear in July 1578 when Marguerite, the daughter of Pierre Le Roy, is admitted to the Sacrament. ‘The daughter of Monsieur du Bouillon, minister, and Rachel, his wife,’ is admitted in October 1579, along with Pierre de Bouillon, son of Gilles. In 1580 we find Suzanne Le Roy, dit Bouillon, admitted. In August of that month, Rachel Le Roy, dit Bouillon, marries Guillaume Thierry (son of Mathieu?), of Espine, ‘Ville sur la Mer au pays de Caux;’ she is given as a native of Dieppe. In 1583 Rachel has a daughter, Judith, by Thierry, and her father Pierre Le Roy dit Bouillon is the godfather. In 1580, Gille Le Roy marries. In 1588 appears one Renée Bouillon, admitted as communicant, as does Jane Bouillon in 1592. In October 1579 a son of Pierre Bouillon’s is baptised Jean; the godfather is Guillaume Hersen (or Hersem), who in 1581 was also godfather to Suzanne, the daughter of Guillaume Thierry and Rachel de Bouillon. In 1585 Pierre le Roy is minstering in Guernsey, as one of only two ministers who did not resign after the schism with Jersey. After his hurried departure from Guernsey, we find him three years later finally officially defrocked [déposé] by the Synod of Saumur in 1596.
A complicating factor in following Pierre’s career is that there may have been more than one Pierre Le Roy in Protestant holy orders at the time. In Registres de la Compagnie des Pasteurs à Genève, III, 1565-1574, is this note, p. 210:
[Letter sent 5 June 1566 concerning the request Troyes made re M Pierre Le Roy.] Pierre Le Roy, de Lodève (Herault), student at Geneva in 1560 (LR I no 57), was sent to the church at Dijon. In 1561 he was in Troyes to help Sorel (see CO XIX col 49-53; Bèze III, p. 109-110, 209-210, 213-215). In December 1561, the church at Troyes wrote to Calvin to ask him to keep Pierre Le Roy and not to send him to Bordeaux (CO XIX co. 160, 182-184). According to our letter, it seems that the Assembly paid no regard to these requests (or was unable to acquiesce to them) and Le Roy went to Bordeaux, but we have not been able to find any reference to his presence there. A Pierre Le Roy, dit du Bouillon, was pastor in Calvados from 1565 (see The Registers of the Protestant Church at Caen ed. C E Lart, Vannes; S Beaujour, Essai sur l’histoire de l’église réformée de Caen, Caen, 1877, p. 95 and 113) ; Le Synode national de Saumur in 1596 deposed this Pierre Le Roy (Aymon I p. 211 and FP (1) VI p. 565.) It may be that this person is the same as the one referred to in our letter and that he was pastor of Bordeaux, a village in Calvados, a few kilometers from Caen.
Note-book Of Pierre Le Roy, Schoolmaster Of S. Martin’s Parish In The Island Of Guernsey, 1600-1675… – Scholar’s Choice Edition Paperback – February 15, 2015 by Pierre LeRoy (Author), Guernsey Historical and Antiquarian Soci (Creator)

JN DNA Matches Roy Channel Islands:
- Glenda O’Reilly Marie Le Roy 1679 St Brelade Jersey, CI
- Mary Lou Jennings Marie Le Roy 1678 Jersey, CI
- chrispennell59 Marie Le Roy 1680 Jersey, CI
- Deborah Pieroway-Lilly No Tree
Jeune LeJeune
Francois Jeune 1806–1868 Dean of Jersey and Bishop of Peterborough. The eldest son of Francois Jeune and Elisabeth Le Capelain, the future Dean Jeune was born at Peterborough House, St Aubin, on 22 May 1806. He was educated at Le Maistre’s School, St Aubin, St Servan College, Rennes and Saumur University. The Jeunes were a French Huguenot family and settled in Jersey during Elizabeth I’s reign. His tree below
- Jean Jeune m [1] Marie Le Feuvre
- Francois Jeune (1696- ) [2]
- Francois Jeune (1719- ) m (1743, St B) Rachel de Carteret (1717- ) d of Jean and Jeanne de Lecq (St B)
- Francois Jeune ( -1800) [6] m (1775, St B) Marie Louise Carcos d of Jean [7] and Judith, née Cartault
- Francois Jeune (1781-1836) [9] m (1805, St H) Elizabeth Le Capelain ( -1851)