Bartlett Family

The 1817 Census list four families with the Bartlett name all likely married and with a total of 18 children.

  • #31 John Bartlett,
  • #30 Thomas Bartlett Junr.,
  • #29 William Bartlett &
  • # 27 Thomas Senr.

Thomas Bartlett Senr. was described as “Well Off” while the others were listed as “D” (Distressed). Thomas Senr. had 2 male servants and had dealings with “Sundry Merchants”, the other Bartletts, who were likely his children, used Thomas Senr. as a supplier (see History 1805-1817 Section for a discussion of Thomas Senr’s role as a merchant). Thomas was listed in 1805 Plantation Book has receiving his property in Bareneed from his Father in Law in 1778. Thomas only had 2 servants but likely relied on his large extended family to run his business.

27Th’s Bartlett Senr1132 Sundry Merchantsall well off  
29Wm Bartlett117  Ths BartlettD  
30Th’s Bartlett Junr1161 dittoD  
31John Bartlett1121 dittoD  
1817 census

Three of the four Bartletts in the 1817 Census listed before Isaac Richards (#28); these three were children of Thomas Bartlett Senior. Both the 1805 Plantation Book and the 1817 Census suggest that Thomas Bartlett’s property was east of Isaac Richards.

#434: Thomas Bartlett 56 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Abraham Boone and on the W. by Issac Richards 188 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded N. by Bay Roberts 1 Stage 2 Flakes 5 Houses 3 Gardens 1 Meadow1778
Held by deed of gift from his Father-in-law
Plantation Book 1805

The following map shows the approximate frontage (in Red) of the Bartlett Plantation in Bareneed as described in the 1805 Plantation Book.

Bartlett Plantation (Red) and Richards (Yellow) 1805

The 1805 Plantation Book states that Thomas Bartlett’s property was “held by deed of gift from his Father-in-law”. It is possible that Thomas’ father-in-law was the father of Isaac Richards listed in the 1817 Census. This is based on:

  • connections between Isaac Richards and the Bartlett family of Brigus,
  • the fact that Bartlett’s land was adjoining the property of Isaac Richards, and
  • Thomas Bartlett’s grant was recorded in 1805)as 1778 bequeathed to him, by his father-in-law in 1778 which is the same year that Isaac Richards property was bequeathed to him, by his father.

The date for Isaac Richards receiving his land is different from the date for the other Richards living further west (1782) which might suggest that Isaac had a different father from the other Richards. If this is the case then the original Richards property incorporated the Bartlett property.

However, this does conflict somewhat with the theory proposed by Judge Rupert Bartlett that the Bartletts of Brigus had their origin in Bareneed.

Source Interview with Judge Bartlett in Decks Awash, 1986

IF the Bartletts were established in Bareneed before 1778 then this might support a connection to the family of Isaac Richards.

The following is the birth record for Thomas’ son William.

Porto GraveBARTLETThomas & MaryWilliamMJ. Balfour18 July 1779
22 Nov 1804Harbour GraceBARTLETT Thomas   Port de GraveL.A. AuspachWilliam Bartlett 
  DAW Mary   Port de Grave Amy Bartlett 

The following is the adult Baptism of Thomas Bartlett’s wife in 1803; based on this she would have been born c 1857 (likely Thomas Jnr.).

Amy Bartlett23. Jul. 1803 46BearneadWife of Thomas BartlettWitnesses:
Wm Lilly, Robert Neal
William BARTLETTJuly 12, 184061 years
John BARTLETT.May 14, 184153 years

Some time prior to Jan. 27th, 1820 Thomas Sr acquired the property of Elias Fillier in Bareneed west.

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In March 1821 Thomas (Jr. ?) and Mary had son Samuel

Samuel Bartlett Senr. was still alive in December 1827 but was dead in 1832 (see Estate Files below).

11 Dec 1827IsaacDawof Ship CoveJaneDawof Ship CoveSamuel Daw, Thomas Bartlett Senior

Thomas Bartlett (d 1832) and Mary (Richards)Bartlett m 1778 Port de Grave (Source Susan Way),

Newfoundland Supreme Court Estate files for Thomas Bartlett Sr., 1832, Bareneed. Vol 2. Two daughters Daw. Elizabeth and ??Louisa?? .

This section still under development