Road-map to DNA Section
The DNA section is organized into sub sections (under the the My DNA Tab on the Web Site Menu ) that address different areas of my research into my DNA. The first sub-page in the Menu provides background information on the different types of DNA test I have done. This is followed by a section that examines my Ancestry DNA matches in Newfoundland. This page has sub-pages (see menu below) that examine some of my Newfoundland matches in more detail (e.g. more detailed analysis of my parental and maternal DNA results).

This section is followed by several sections that examine my distant Ancestry DNA matches for different regions outside Newfoundland. This research into distamt Ancestry matches for other regions was designed to search for the pre Newfoundland origins of my Ancestors. Due to the size of this project it was necessary to split this into sub sections. The first sub-section reviews my distant DNA matches in the Old World (UK and Continental Europe). This is followed by a section that examines my distant Ancestry DNA matches in Colonial America. This is followed by a sub-section discussing my Y-DNA results
For anyone not familiar with the other sections of this Web Site that discuss my family history can check under “The Dock” Tab.