Bareneed West: Mercers Lane to Black Duck Pond
This is a continuation of the History of Bareneed 1949-1969 Part II. That section covered Bareneed as far west as Bob Bartlett’s Store. This Section covers the western part of Bareneed from Mercers Lane to Black Duck Pond (see map below).

The following drone photo shows an aerial view of the same area (c 2018) with Mercers Lane in the foreground, just past the location of Bob Bartlett’s store.

In the 1950s there were two houses on Mercers Lane.
House #1: In the 1950s this house was situated on the east side of Mercers Lane backing onto the beach. This was the house of James (b 1899) and Diana Mercer and their children Emmie, Pearl, Barbara and Myra. James was the son of Robert Mercer (b 1867) from Bay Roberts and Elizabeth nee Moore (b 1869). Elizabeth, who was still alive and living with them in 1945, was the daughter of Thomas Moore (1836-1911) & Ann Batten (b. 1846) of Bareneed. The Land originally belonged to Elizabeth’s father Thomas Moore and in his Will of 1911 he left the eastern half of his property to Elizabeth. The western half went to his grandson William (see below).
House #2: On lower west side of Mercers lane, south of #1, belonged to William Moore (b 1895). William was the son of Isaac (b 1860) and Amy, grandson of Thomas (1836 – 1911) and Ann. See #1 above Re Will Thomas 1911. I remember Will Moore since he kept goats.
The following houses were situated on Boone’s Hill.
House #3: Summer house John Richards at bottom of lane.
House #4: House of Albert Richards (b 1893) his wife Agnes (born Carbonear) and their 3 children.
House #5: In 1950s Stephen (b 1880) and Elizabeth Boone. Stephen son of ? and Naomi.
House #6: On North side of road belonged to John Boone. This house was set back from the road.
House #7: On South side of road belonged to William Billy) Boone (info from SBN).
House #8: This house on north side of road belonged to Stevens?
House # 9: This house on south side of road belonged to Jacob Petten son of Samuel (1885-1959) and Mary A. Petten (Mary A born Kelligrews). Samuel was the son of Jacob (1842-1920) and Grace and this Jacob was from Bareneed East.
House #10: the house of Patience Bartlett (b 1887) widow of John J Bartlett (b.1871, died before 1935). Donald Bartlett (b 1910) who later owned the house was their son.

House #11: In 1950s May Stevens and her husband (info. from SNB). Poss linked to John (b 1862) and Susannah (b 1847) living near here in 1945.
TBD House between #11 & #12 Info from SNB Aunt Beth Ann poss Beecham or Stevens daughter Mary married Ches Pye. Likely Anne M. BACHAM [Beecham] (b. 1863) in 1921 census wife of Thomas J (b 1851) who had daughter Mary A (b. 1895) who married Chesley Pye.
House #12: John (Jack) Allen Beecham (b 1902) and his wife Emmie plus Charles Stevens (b 1885 step brother who was head of household in 1935). Jack Allen was the son of Elizabeth Beecham (b. 1862) who was head of the household in 1911. Elizabeth (a widow in 1911) likely married a Beecham (Beauchamp) of Bareneed some time between 1887 and 1892 likely in Methodist church. Elizabeth may have been the Elizabeth Bartlett who married Isaac Stevens in 1877.
William Beecham’s (#18) original house west of Beecham’s Lane (SBN).
TBD SBN another house before Orange Lodge poss William T Moore (b. 1882).
House #13: Harry French (b 1903), his wife Minnie (a Roberts from Brigus) and their children Harry Cameron , June Lorraine and Cyril. Harry was the son of Henry (b c 1856) .

House #14: James (b. 1906) and Rebecca Roberts and their son Lewis. In 1945 they were living on Sam’s Hill in Bareneed Cove. James was born in Brigus and Rebecca was the daughter of Abram (b 1886) and Mary F. (b 1890) of Bareneed and sister of Leslie W. Batten of Bareneed. Lewis was a ham radio operator VO1CI and electronic inventor.

The Orange Lodge in Bareneed (Lodge #35) was located on the south side of the road just west of Jim Roberts house. The Lodge was torn down c 1960.
aunt mag curne
House # 15: In the early 1950s there was a house on an old laneway that ran southeast from the road (see map below). (SBN Aunt Mag. Curnew) .
In the 1935 Census there were two households with the Curnew name living near here. One of these was headed by Edward Curnew (b 1858) and his wife Fannie (1890-1939). The other was headed by a Jacob Curnew (b. 1899) who was living with his mother Emma F Curnew (b. 1863). There were no Curnews recorded in Bareneed in the 1945 Census. In 1945 Jacob was living in St. John’s and his mother Emma was also living in St. John’s but with another son (Raymond b. 1902). In 1957 an Emma Frances Curnew (b. 1863) was buried in the Bareneed United Church Cemetery. There was also an Isaac and Margaret Effort (b. 1879) living in the same area who had an adopted son Ebenezer Curnew. This Margaret may have been the Margaret (b 1882) who was married to William J Curnew in 1921. This couple also had an adopted son Ebenezer. This Margaret may have been the person living in the house c 1950.

House #16: In the 1950s this house belonged to Isaac (Ike) Richards (b. 1891) and his wife Elizabeth. The house was on a laneway south of the road backing on a grove of trees east of the “Dock Mountain”. In 1935 Isaac and Elizabeth were living at the top of Shop House Hill in Bareneed.

House # 17: North side of Road TBD
The United Church School was situated just east of House #18. This School was destroyed by Fire in 1941 but classes continued after that.

By 1955 a number of United Church students from Bareneed (possibly older students) were attending school in Coley’s Point.

House # 18: In 1945 Gerald Stevens (b. 1943, my sister SBN indicates that he was her first teacher) and his mother Emmie (b. 1886). Emmie was the widow of William J Stevens (b 1887) and the daughter of John J. Boone (b. 1850). Later (c 1950) William T Beecham (b 1888) and his wife Mary (1891-1964). They are buried in the United Church Cemetery. They moved here from Beechams Lane (see house #12) between 1935 and 1945. William was the son of Thomas (b 1850) and Ann (see 1911 Census).
House # 19: Richards TBD
House # 20: TBD
House # 21: Chesley Pye (b 1896 in Bonavista) and his wife Mary nee. Bartlett.