This Section is a continuation of the section Census 1817 Part II ; that Section provided detail on the families enumerated in the westernmost part of Bareneed ending with # 33 Elias Filler. This Section continues moving eastward and covers the families enumerated in that section of Bareneed east of Mercers Lane. The first property listed in this area belonged to John Richards Senior.
# 32 John Richards Senr. and #28 Isack Richards
32 | John Richards Senr | 2 | 1 | 4 | 3 | W Pencent | D |
The record for John Richards Senr includes two adult males in the household, possibly father and son. Only one of these had a wife (perhaps father was a widower) and there were 4 children, 3 male servants and one female servant in the household. The Supplier/ Merchant for this household was W. Pencent and the household was described as “D” (Distressed). W. Pencent was likely William Pincent (2 clients in Bareneed) was a Port de Grave merchant.
28 | Isack Richards | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Natale & Cawley | D |
Isack Richards was listed as having a wife, 4 children, 3 male servants and one female servant in the household. The Supplier/ Merchant for this household was listed as “Natale & Cawley” which was likely Nuttall & Cawley, Harbour Grace fish merchants (see History 1805-1818 and Merchant Connections section under the Newell family part of this Web Site for more information on this firm). Isack Richards was also classified as D (Distressed) but both families of Richards employ a number of male and female servants.
In the 1817 Census the record for Isack Richards is separated from the one by John Richards by several members of the Bartlett family (who occupied land to east) but these two properties are likely abutting based on land ownership in 1805 (see below) and later in the 19th century.
#430 Wm. Richards: 64 yards from E to W bounded on E by Abraham Richards on the W by Elias Filleul- 160 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward – bounded on the N. by Bay Roberts. 1 Stage, 2 Flakes, 2 Houses, 2 Gardens, 1 Meadow | 1782 : Bequeathed to him, by his father’s Will |
#431 Abraham Richards: 63 yds. from E. to W. bounded E. by John Richards on the W. by Wm. — 160 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward on the N. by Bay Roberts. | 1782 : Bequeathed to him, by his father’s Will |
# 432 John Richards: 64 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E by John Richards on the W. by Abram Richards 180 yards from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded N by Bay Roberts. | 1782 : Bequeathed to him, by his father |
#431 Isaac Richards: 88 yards from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Thomas Bartlett on the W. by John Richards 180 yards from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded on the N. by Bay Roberts. – 1 Stage, 2 Flakes, 2 Houses, 2 Gardens, 1 Meadow | 1778 Bequeathed to him, by his father |
The following may be the John of 1805:

However, the John Richards in 1817 is possibly John son of the 1805 William (see following).

The John Son of John above may be the John who had a daughter baptized in 1814.

The Bareneed Merchant Patten, Graham & Co. was dissolved in Feb 1817 and the company was then reformed as Alex Graham & Co operating with with John McNichol and Duncan McKellar. In the winter of 1817 Patten, Graham & Co. operated a store at Barneed. There is no direct evidence but their store in Bareneed may have been situated on land owned by Abraham Richards in 1805. In May 1814 Abraham Richards had leased his land to Thomas Patton & Co. (in October, 1820 Graham, McNichol & Co. sold the 23 years remaining on this lease).

The following references show that John Son of John and John Son of William were living in Bareneed in the 1820s.

For more information on later members of this family see the Richards Family page under Family Names of Bareneed.
#28 Isack Richards
Isack (Isaac) Richards listed in the 1817 Census is likely the Isaac buried at Bareneed in Nov. 1828. Bases on his age recorded in his burial records (74) he was born c 1854.

Based on his age we can assume he is also the Isaac in the 1805 Plantation Book who received his land in 1778 from his father (he would have been ~ 24 at that time). In his Will written in 1823, modified in Nov 1828 and probated in 1829 he mentions his wife Elizabeth, his sons William and John plus daughters Mary, Amy, Elizabeth, Jane, Nancy & Rebecca. Their son William was born in 1788 (see below) and based on the Will (order in which sons are named and fact that William was executor) we can assume that John was younger.
Isaac Richards married Elizabeth Butler at Harbour Grace on Nov. 17th, 1778.
Nov 17, 1778 | Harbour Grace | RICHARDS, Isaac | Portograve |
BUTLER, Elizabeth | Portograve |
Isaac and Elizabeth are buried in the old COE Cemetery above Shop House Hill, Bareneed (Eastern end of Richards Property). The notes in the following record were added by the transcriber indicating that Isaac was the son of William Richards of Port de Grave, likely the William who died in Harbour Grace in 1782.
Name | Burial | Age | Notes from Transcriber |
Isaac Richards | Nov. 21, 1828 | 79 | [son of William Richards of Port de Grave; Isaac & Elizabeth are th gr-gr-grandparent of Capt. Bob Bartlett] |
Elizabeth Richards | Nov. 1, 1829 | 74 | [daughter of John & Mary Butler of Port de Grave; Isaac & Elizabeth are th gr-gr-grandparent of Capt. Bob Bartlett] |

This Isaac was likely the Isaac Richards who was a constable at Bareneed in 1814.

Will of Isaac Richards, from Newfoundland will books volume 1 pages 73 to 75 probate year 1829.
In the name of God Amen I Isaac Richards Senior of Bareneed in Conception Bay Newfoundland Planter being of sound mind and in my proper senses think proper to make this my last last will & testament vis
- I leave to my wife Elizabeth in case she survives me enjoyment of my estate for her live time save and except that my two sons William and John are to have the sole use of the fishing room in Bearneed & what boats & craft there may be at the time of my decease equally between them & on the decease of my said Wife Elizabeth they the said William & John are to have the said room in Bearneed including Houses Gardens Meadows Flakes stage Boats Craft &c. &c. &c. Equally divided between them and after the decease of my wife Elizabeth what money or Bills I may possess at my Death to be equally divided between my daughters Mary Amy Elizabeth Jane Nancy & Rebecca Richards.
- I like wise leave my son William & John my Fishing Room in Porte Grave at present rented by William Jeffers & Thomas Liston save & except that my wife Elizabeth shall enjoy untill her decease any rents arising there from at the same time allowing them the full & free use of the Fishing part of the Room except a stage erected & occupied by son in law Thomas Liston which I leave to my daughter Amy for the behalf of my grandson Isaac Liston after her decease.
- That in case that my sons William & John should not agree than John is to make good to is brother William is part of value of the said room by a fair valuation and should my sons William & John dying without heirs that then property so bequeathed them shall be equally divided among my children remaining alive or there offspring.
- That should any of the property bequeathed my wife Elizabeth be remaining at her decease (esept the rooms & Plantations mentioned that it is to be equally shared between all my children alive at the time or if not there children if they have any
- I leave all my household furniture beds bedding plate &c to my wife Elizabeth to dispose of at her death as she may think proper
To fulfil all these covenants I hereby appoint my son William Richards and my son in law William Antle Junr of Brigus my sole executors
As witness my hand in Bearneed aforesaid this twenty nith day of July one thousand eight & twenty three before these witnesses Isaac Richards (LS) John Moore. John Richards Junr.
This is to certify to all whom it doth or may concern that I Isaac Richards being of sound mind and memory have this day given my son John Richards all my right title and interest in and upon the schooner Good intent of the burthen of seventy six and 76/94 tons to be enjoyed by him after my decease and all my other property I wish to be distributed according to my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal in the presence of Isaac Richards (LS) John Jacob. William Brown. Bareneed November 20th 1828.
This Isaac was also the Isaac Richards who registered the 67 Ton schooner Good Intent in 1819 (built by him) and the William who was Captain was likely his son.

Later John was Captain and part owner of the same ship.

A petition filed on November 17, 1830 at Port de Grave filed by Elizabeth’s children list the married names of her daughters:
We the Undersigned Children and Heirs at Law of the late Elizabeth Richards do hereby request the Honorable Supreme Court will be pleased to cause Administration of the Goods Effects and Estate of the said Elizabeth Richards to be granted to William Antle Jr., in whom we have all great confidence. Mary Antle, Nancy Bartlett, William Richards, John Richards, Jane Batten, Amey Listen, Rebecca Butler, Elizabeth Hussey. *(All used their marks except sons William & John Richards, who signed. )
For more information on later members of this family see the Richards Family page under Family Names of Bareneed.
Abraham Richards
Abraham Richards who was listed in the 1805 Plantation Book is not recorded in the 1817 Census. This may be because he had leased his land to Thomas Patten & CO.

This Abraham had acquired land in Port de Grave from his Uncle in 1775.
Abram Richards 34½ yds. from E. to W. by Waterside 60 yds. from H.W.M. 98 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Isaac Richards on the John Butler 100 yds from S. to N. bounded on the S. by —Hussey on the N. by Jno. Lidston and Wm. Hussey – 3 Flakes 2 Houses 2 Gardens | Port de Grave | By deed of gift from his uncle Abram Carnell | 1775 |
An Abraham Richards was buried in the Shop House Hill Cemetery in Bareneed in 1824.
Richards | Abraham | Oct. 1824 | 72 Years | son of William Richards of Port de Grave [likely comment by transcriber] |
The other brother that had land in 1805 was John. His land abutted Abrahams. Either this John or his son John might be the John involved in disputes with Patten and Graham (see History 1805-1818 for more info on this land).

One final note on the early Richards family relates to their founder (father of brothers in 1805). The following record from Sept. 1820 demonstrates that William Richards arrived in Bareneed in 1728 from Stepney, London. His son John (see below) was born in Bareneed c 1742 is almost certainly the John Richards in the 1805 Plantation Book.

The Following tree, based on the data presented earlier, list some of the children and grandchildren of the William who arrived in 1728.
Gen #1 | William Richards Snr of Stepney (c 1700-1782) | ||||
Children: | |||||
Gen #2 | William Richards | Abraham Richards (1752-1824) | John Richards (c1742 – ) | Isaac Richards (1749-1828) | Amy Richards |
Married Elizabeth | Married Jane | Married Elizabeth Butler (1755 -1829) in 1778 | Married William Pinsent in 1797 | ||
Children: | Children: | Children: | Children: | ||
Gen #3. | William (1779- | Jane (1782- | John Richards (1796-1853) | Elizabeth (1783 – | |
John (1782-1846) | Abraham (1788- | Jane (1785- | |||
Elizabeth (1786-1847) | Grace (1788- | William Richards (1788-1868) | |||
William Richards? | John Richards | ||||
Charlote (1790 |
The one question I still have relates to the Isaac of 1805 and 1817. The Plantation Book indicates that John, William and Abraham were living on properties they received from their father and these properties were registered in 1782; however, Isaac’s property was registered in 1778. There are a number of possible reasons for the earlier date on his property including the possibility that Isaac was not their brother (could have been cousin) and he inherited his property from a different father; however, a more likely explanation is that Isaac was living on the original grant which was registered earlier than the properties further west.
For more information on later members of this family see the Richards Family page under Family Names of Bareneed.
#31 John Bartlett, #30 Thomas Bartlett Junr., #29 William Bartlett & # 27 Thomas Senr.
The 1817 Census list four families with the Bartlett name all likely married and with a total of 18 children. Thomas Bartlett Senr. was described as “Well Off” while the others were listed as “D” (Distressed). Thomas Senr. had 2 male servants and had dealings with “Sundry Merchants”, the other Bartletts, who were likely his children, used Thomas Senr. as a supplier (see History 1805-1817 Section for a discussion of Thomas Senr’s role as a merchant). Thomas was listed in 1805 Plantation Book has receiving his property in Bareneed from his Father in Law in 1778. Thomas only had 2 servants but likely relied on his large extended family to run his business.
27 | Th’s Bartlett Senr | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | Sundry Merchants | all well off | |||
29 | Wm Bartlett | 1 | 1 | 7 | Ths Bartlett | D | ||||
30 | Th’s Bartlett Junr | 1 | 1 | 6 | 1 | ditto | D | |||
31 | John Bartlett | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | ditto | D |
Three of the four Bartletts in the 1817 Census listed before Isaac Richards (#28); these three were children of Thomas Bartlett Senior. Both the 1805 Plantation Book and the 1817 Census suggest that Thomas Bartlett’s property was east of Isaac Richards.
#434: Thomas Bartlett 56 yds. from E. to W. bounded on the E. by Abraham Boone and on the W. by Issac Richards 188 yds. from H.W.M. to the Northward bounded N. by Bay Roberts 1 Stage 2 Flakes 5 Houses 3 Gardens 1 Meadow | 1778 Held by deed of gift from his Father-in-law |
The following map shows the approximate frontage (in Red) of the Bartlett Plantation in Bareneed as described in the 1805 Plantation Book.

The 1805 Plantation Book states that Thomas Bartlett’s property was “held by deed of gift from his Father-in-law”. It is possible that Thomas’ father-in-law was the father of Isaac Richards listed in the 1817 Census. This is based on:
- connections between Isaac Richards and the Bartlett family of Brigus,
- the fact that Bartlett’s land was adjoining the property of Isaac Richards, and
- Thomas Bartlett’s grant was recorded in 1805)as 1778 bequeathed to him, by his father-in-law in 1778 which is the same year that Isaac Richards property was bequeathed to him, by his father.
The date for Isaac Richards receiving his land is different from the date for the other Richards living further west (1782) which might suggest that Isaac had a different father from the other Richards. If this is the case then the original Richards property incorporated the Bartlett property.
However, this does conflict somewhat with the theory proposed by Judge Rupert Bartlett that the Bartletts of Brigus had their origin in Bareneed.
IF the Bartletts were established in Bareneed before 1778 then this might support a connection to the family of Isaac Richards.
The following is the birth record for Thomas’ son William.
Porto Grave | BARTLET | Thomas & Mary | William | M | J. Balfour | 18 July 1779 |
22 Nov 1804 | Harbour Grace | BARTLETT Thomas | Port de Grave | L.A. Auspach | William Bartlett | ||||
DAW Mary | Port de Grave | Amy Bartlett |
The following is the adult Baptism of Thomas Bartlett’s wife in 1803; based on this she would have been born c 1857 (likely Thomas Jnr.).
Name | Baptism | Age | Abode | Occupation | |
Amy Bartlett | 23. Jul. 1803 | 46 | Bearnead | Wife of Thomas Bartlett | Witnesses: Wm Lilly, Robert Neal |
William BARTLETT | July 12, 1840 | 61 years |
John BARTLETT. | May 14, 1841 | 53 years |

Some time prior to Jan. 27th, 1820 Thomas Sr acquired the property of Elias Fillier in Bareneed west.

In March 1821 Thomas (Jr. ?) and Mary had son Samuel

Samuel Bartlett Senr. was still alive in December 1827 but was dead in 1832 (see Estate Files below).
11 Dec 1827 | Isaac | Daw | of Ship Cove | Jane | Daw | of Ship Cove | Samuel Daw, Thomas Bartlett Senior |
Thomas Bartlett (d 1832) and Mary (Richards)Bartlett m 1778 Port de Grave (Source Susan Way),
Newfoundland Supreme Court Estate files for Thomas Bartlett Sr., 1832, Bareneed. Vol 2. Two daughters Daw. Elizabeth and ??Louisa?? .
For more information on later members of this family see the Bartlett Family page under Family Names of Bareneed.
Continued in Census 1817 Part IV (Boone Family)