The 1805 Plantation Book lists a Philip Noel of Bareneed.

A copy of the Plantation Book record made in 1820 list Philip’s surname as Newell (see below).
“Philip Newell 175 yards from NE to SW bounded SW by Samuel Dawe on the NE by Thomas Sullivan 68 yards from HWM [High Water Mark] to the N by W bounded N by the woods. 1 stage 2 flakes 1 home 1 garden 1 meadow_____ Cut and cleared agreeable to the act of Wm 3. [King William III] Chap. 25, Sect 7 ____________ date of Entry 1785 ________The foregoing is a true Copy taken from the records this 28 day of Jan 1820.
I still have the original of this 1820 copy and Philip likely had it made for his records. The approximate east/west extent of Philip’sproperty is shown on the following Map.

This Philip was my 3X great grandfather and his family is described in more detail in other sections of this Web Site. In November 1784 Philip married Amy Batton [of Bareneed] at St. Pauls’ Church, Harbour Grace. At that time this was the closest Church to ‘the Dock’ (~20 km north ) and many people from other communities in Conception Bay were married there.
Entry # 53 in the 1817 Census of Bareneed identifies a Philip Nule [Later Noel / Newell].
Philip is listed in the 1817 Census as having a wife, 4 children and one man servant. His Supplier (Merchant) was listed as “Natale & Cawley” ( Nuttall & Cawley, Harbour Grace fish merchants) and he was described as “well off”.

This Philip was referenced as Newall in a 1819 Court Case.

Philip had two sons James (1786-1849) and John (1793-1855, my 2X great grandfather). When Philip died the Plantation was divided between the two sons with John getting the western half and James the eastern half. After their deaths each part was further divided among their sons. One of John’s sons acquired a section of the Dawe Plantation.

In subsequent generations parts of the Newell Plantation were either sold or passed to other male lines through marriage; however, several sections of John’s property still remain in the family.
The 1835 Voters List
NEWELL, James | Port de Grave | Bareneed |
NEWELL, John | Port de Grave | Bareneed |
Report of the Newfoundland Church Society, September, 1847
The report of the Newfoundland Church Society for 1850 list three Newells in the Dock.

The 1854 report of the Newfoundland Church Society, did not subdivide Port de Grave region by town but did include Newells from the Dock under Port de Grave.

McAlpine’s 1898 Directory Bareneed and the Dock list the following Newells: