The following map shows the approximate location of the property occupied by different families in the western part of Bareneed as recorded in the 1805 Plantation Book.

The 1805 Plantation Book lists a John Moore who owned property bounded to the West and south by Elias Filleul which suggest that his grant was east of Elias Filleul. Based on the description in the Plantation Book and later settlement patters it is likely that John Moore’s Plantation was situated facing a small cove on the Bay Roberts side of the Peninsula in an area known as Mercer’s Lane. This was the only possible landing area on the Bay Robert’s side, the coast to the west being cliffs and to the east exposed beach with no deep water. As a result the land was not developed on this side of the peninsula which explains why his property was bounded on the east by woods.

John Moore’s property was registered in 1804 just one year before the Plantation book was compiled (only one other property registered after 1800).
Church records from Harbour Grace show that John Moores was living at Bareneed as early as 1801.
20 Nov 1801 | Bareneed | MOORES | John & Mary | William |
A John Moore with a wife, 2 children, 8 man servants and 1 female servant is listed in the 1817 Census.
37 | John Moore | 1 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 1 | W Pack | well off |
His listing is followed by several members of the Filler family. This contrast with the 1805 Plantation Book which list James Moore after three members of the Filleul family.
Court records show that John Moors was the Constable at Bareneed and acted as a witness to a flogging (see History 1805-1818 Section for more info on this flogging)

1835 Voters list
MOORE, John | Port de Grave | Bareneed |
MOORE, William | Port de Grave | Bareneed |
Lovell’s Directory for 1871 list one Moore and two Moors in Bareneed.
Moore | James | fisherman |
Moors | Richard | fisherman |
Moors | Thomas | fisherman |
The two Moors are descendants of the John Moore in the 1805 Plantation Book but the James Moore was a later arrival from Ireland who became a Merchant and Shipowner in Bareneed in late 1800s (see History 1837 -1901 Section for more information on this James. James Moore left Bareneed in the late 1890s to return to his home in Ireland but the Moors family continued to live in Bareneed. There were two families with the Moore surname living in Bareneed in 1911.