Isaac Daw [Dawe] is listed in the 1817 Census of Bareneed (#54 Isaac Daw) . The following Map shows The Dock (western part of Bareneed) with the ocean frontage of the Plantations listed in the 1805 Plantation Book.

In the 1817 Census Isaac Daw is listed with his wife and one child and is described as “Distressed”. His supplier (merchant) is listed as Thomas Bartlett who was a local Planter/Merchant in Bareneed. It is possible that they were related since in 1805 a Thomas Bartlett married a Mary Daw.

This was likely the same property listed as belonging to Samuel Dawe in the 1805 Plantation Book.

Under the name of the person presently occupying the plantation in 1805 it gives Samuel Dawe Children which may suggest that the land had transferred to Samuel’s children.

The Daw /Dawe family was one of the first to settle in Port de Grave and likely had fishing operations there when John Guy arrived in 1610 (Gerald W. Andrews, 1997). Isaac was the only Daw listed in the 1817 Census as living in Bareneed but in the same census there were 23 Daws listed as living in Port de Grave and surrounding Coves and 3 as living in Cupids.
In 1782 a Sam and Ann Daw had a son Isaac who would have been in his mid 30s in 1817. This Isaac fits with the Isaac Daw of Bareneed who was buried in 1833 with his age given as 52 years (b c 1781).

In the 1817 Census Isaac Daw is listed with his wife and one child. If he is the Isaac who died in 1833 then he would have been in his mid 30s in 1817 so it is possible that he had more children after this. There is no evidence of him having a son (which is not proof that he did not); however, there are several candidates for daughters two of whom married in December, 1830. These were: Grace who married Robert Turner (KN indicates that grooms name was Richard) who was likely the son of their neighbour William Turner (#52) and Providence who married Robert Tilley from Kelligrews. There was also of a Catharine Daw of Bareneed who married Henry Butler of PDG in October 1830 (source KN). It is difficult to reconcile these reports with the data for the 1817 Census which show Isaac only having one child in 1817. It is possible that some of these girls were:
- missed in the Census,
- were living elsewhere in 1817 (KN suggest with grandfather in PDG),
- or were Isaac’s sisters or other relatives who moved to Bareneed after 1817.
I currently suspect that Richard/Robert Turner may have acquired part of the Dawe property through his marriage to Grace Dawe and subsequently sold it to my great great grandfather John Newell (who owned the adjoining property to the east) in 1839 (record of sale from my early notes related to research by Harold Newell).
A Web Site The Descendants of Issac Daw and Rebecca Beecham has this Bareneed Isaac being the son of Isaac Daw (Sr.) of Cornwall and Rebecca Beecham (Beauchamp) of Bareneed. This might fit if Isaac of Bareneeed was a nephew of Samuel but there is not sufficient strong evidence to support either argument.
Another possible theory is that the Samuel Daw listed as the owner of the Bareneed property in 1805 was Samuel of Port de Grave (i.e. owned multiple properties) and that Isaac was his son and was living there in 1817. Under this theory after Isaacs death the property transferred to other members of the family.
The next snapshot of residents of this area was a Voters List compiled in 1835 (only listed male landowners). This list includes a large number of Daws / Dawes from Port de Grave, several from Cupids and Burnt Head (south shore of Bay de Grave), two (Abraham and John) from the Dock, Bareneed and one from Long Beach (Coley’s Point).
DAWE, George | Cupids |
DAWE, Samuel Senior | Cupids |
DAWE, Samuel Junior | Cupids |
DAWE, William | Burnt Head |
DAWE, John | Burnt Head |
DAW, Abraham | Dock |
DAW, John | Dock |
Daw, John | Long Beach |
In the 1840s there were another set of Daw girls from Bareneed who were married:
- 16 Dec 1841 Wilmot, Bareneed to Richard Newell, Bareneed
- 17 May 1842 Elizabeth, Bareneed to Jacob Curlew, Bareneed
- 14 Dec 1843 Mary, Bareened to Isaac Morgan, Port de Grave
It is possible that these might be Isaac’s children born between 1817 and the mid 1820s.
The next record set is a Report of the Newfoundland Church Society from 1847 which counts contributors to the Church. This list has a Benjamin Daw, in the Dock and three Daws in “The Ponds” (area west of Black Duck Pond currently in Coleys Point). Again these could be Isaac’s children or Daws from Port de Grave who moved west. A lot of Port de Grave fishermen were moving further inland during this period. Descendants of the Dawe family from The Pond indicate that their ancestors came from Port de Grave.

The Benjamin Daw listed above had two sons Baptized in The Dock.
- Sept 5, 1859 The Dock DAW, Benjamin & Caroline son John,
- June 20, 1861 The Dock DAW, Benjamin & Caroline son Samuel
Benjamin and Caroline were likely the Benjamin DAWE bach, Port de Grave and Caroline FRENCH spin, St John’s who married in St. John’s on Nov 3, 1845.
In Lovell’s Directory compiled in 1871 there were 5 Dawes listed as living in Bareneed (likely included The Ponds).
- Dawe Charles, fisherman,
- Dawe Isaac, fisherman,
- Dawe John, fisherman,
- Dawe Joseph, fisherman,
- Dawe, William, fisherman.
In the Newfoundland Census for 1911 there were no Dawes living in ‘The Dock’, one family living in Bareneed (John born 1873 in Ship Cove, PDG) and six living in Black Duck Pond (now Coley’s Point). There is clear evidence of the Daw / Dawe family continuing to live in Bareneed (including The Ponds) after 1817 but no clear evidence of them continuing to occupy the original grant.